
Spoon Bread (and some lady love)

"No one who cooks cooks alone. Even at her most solitary, a cook in the kitchen is surrounded by generations of cooks past, the advice and menus of cooks present, and the wisdom of cookbook writers."

Spoon Bread (and some lady love)

Peas with Burrata and Breadcrumbs

We come from a family of pretty serious gardeners. We grew up watching corn, cherry tomatoes, peppers, zucchini and cucumbers sprout up on the hill in our backyard. And while the planning and maintenance of the garden was never really our responsibility, fighting over who got to pick the ripe veggies was a common argument, typically resulting in the plucking of some orange tomatoes and not-yet-ripe baby cucumbers.

Peas with Burrata and Breadcrumbs

Glazed Shallots

I know what you're thinking. Why are you making a whole post about baby onions? Is that really the best use of our time? Does anyone really love onions that much? Yes, and we're 'bout to show you how much you love onions.

Glazed Shallots